The total value of the UK consulting sector is a pretty hefty £8-10 billion, making it one of the largest markets in professional services. But it’s a highly complex business. Let’s say you’re a middle tier consultancy and you win a mandate for a change project for the UK’s largest (recently privatised) mail organisation, you are still only a tiny cog in a very large wheel. You might have won a piece of business with that organisation but that would account for only a tiny amount of their overall consultancy spend.
That postal organisation is divided into multiple business areas, divisions, horizontal business functions and when you factor in the personnel movement within that structure – people moving department, leaving the organisation, new people coming on board. Keeping on top of all that is beyond the capability of many businesses. And this is why being able to map a client’s organisational environment is key to (a) retaining their business and (b) hopefully growing that business. This is how CRM can help:
Selling services is no piece of cake. Much of it is relationship based and down to who you know. But what you don’t know, you don’t know. This is why understanding your own clients and making the complex more simple is so important. CRM can help you to do that much more effectively.
To read more about how CRM can help your firm with its business development, please read our white paper. CRM for the Services Industry – Becoming “New-Biz” Smart.