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Training Courses

To help you get the most from your Workbooks implementation, we offer four classroom-based training courses

Given the challenges posed by Covid-19 we have suspended delivery of our face-to-face public training courses.  The welfare of our customers and staff is of the utmost importance to us and we have not taken this decision lightly.  However, we are keen to ensure that you have the training you need in order to get the best possible results from your Workbooks implementation.  If you are interested in some online training, please contact or speak to either your Customer Success Manager or Implementation Engagement Manager and we would be happy to work with you to provide online training that best supports your needs.  We hope to be able to reinstate our face-to-face courses as soon as possible and will be guided by Government advice on this.


To help you get the most from your Workbooks implementation, we offer three classroom-based training courses:

  • System Administrator Training
    A great way to learn how to configure and maintain your Workbooks system.  We recommend at least one person in your organisation attends this course.
  • Reporting Training
    An introduction to all the main features and functions of Workbooks reporting and dashboards.  We recommend that all customers have at least one person in their business who is familiar with reporting.
  • Developer Training
  • If you want to automate processes in Workbooks or integrate with third-party tools, this course is invaluable.  

Workbooks System Administrator Training Course

Duration: 2 Days

Cost: ÂŁ895 per attendee

Upcoming Dates

Date Location Contact Us
Suspended pending Government advice Reading Email Us
Suspended pending Government advice Reading Email Us


NOTE:  Dates are subject to change depending on the number of bookings received.  For up-to-date information on availability please contact


The ‘Workbooks System Administrator Training’ course is invaluable in teaching you all the elements you need to know in order to set up and maintain your Workbooks system. This is an instructor-led classroom based course, delivered using a mixture of demonstrations and exercises for you to complete.

Whether you are undertaking your own implementation or working with us on a shared implementation, it’s important that you understand the principles of how the product works so you can undertake the work confidently and take ownership of your database.

Course manuals will be provided.

To enquire about dates beyond those shown above please contact

Who should attend?

This course is designed for users who have the responsibility for setting up, configuring and maintaining your Workbooks system, as well as anyone with responsibility for importing data into the system or for writing reports to show the key metrics for your business.

What will I learn?

On completion you will be able to: 

  • Set up your Users, giving them access to the areas of functionality relevant to their job role;
  • Create new databases with/without customised configuration and data;
  • Import new data and update existing records;
  • Configure your records to support your company’s objectives and ensure that all data important to you is captured;
  • Customise the environment to make using Workbooks easy and ensure that all data important to you is captured.
  • Format templates so that routine data is displayed consistently, including creating professional documentation that can be sent to your customers and prospects;
  • Build simple template reports to display your key business data.

What are the course prerequisites?

The only prerequisite for delegates is:

  1. Our Workbooks System Administrator Pre-Course Video must be watched prior to attendance to ensure the course content flows and is easily understood.  A link to the video will be included in your booking confirmation and reminder emails.  The video is approximately 22 minutes in duration and the course assumes you have watched it so please ensure you do.

Do I need any special knowledge to take part?

You don’t need to be a technical wizard to become a proficient System Administrator. However, experience of working with databases and/or a reasonable understanding of an application like Microsoft Excel would be helpful, along with a good overview of your organisation and what you intend to use Workbooks for.

Course Outline

Course section Description To Cover


Workbooks Data Structure


A high-level view of how records link to one another
  1. Common fields used
  2. Linked/Lookup fields

End-User Customisation

How to configure your environment and view
  1. Creating filters
  2. Selecting relevant columns
  3. Saving Views
  4. Desktop Shortcuts & Pinning




How the most common Lead to Cash process works
  1. Leads
  2. Conversion to Opportunities
  3. Creation of Transaction records
User Environment Setup

How to set up and manage your users

  1. How to setup and manage your users
  2. How to add users and User Groups
  3. How to Control access to records (Capabilities)


Create & manage new databases
  1. Create new database with/without data & customisation

Accounting Periods

Set up and manage your Accounting Periods
  1. Set up your Accounting Periods

Exchange Rates

Set up and manage your Exchange Rates
  1. Modify existing Exchange Rates
  2. Create rates with new currencies
Global Customisation How to configure the look and feel
  1. Creating Custom Fields
  2. Customising Form Layouts
  3. User Preferences
  4. Managing Queues


How to bulk import data
  1. Importing new & updating existing Organisations
  2. Importing People & linking them to Campaigns

Web Integration

How to use Web2Lead and Web2Case to integrate your website with Workbooks
  1. Creating web forms to feed data directly into Workbooks
Workbooks and Email How to push your emails, meetings and activities into Workbooks
  1. Introduction to Workbooks Email Dropbox and Workbooks Exchange Server Synchronisation
Templates How to create templates for bulk use
  1. Creating HTML Templates
  2. Modifying standard PDF templates

Bulk Actions

How to automate the creation/update of records  using Bulk Actions

  1. Scheduling the creation of new records in bulk
Reporting Introduction to Reporting
  1. Simple list report
  2. Joining data from other records
  3. Limiting results using simple criteria


Location of the Course & Directions

Our Workbooks office in Reading:

Unit 9, Suttons Park Avenue, Reading, RG6 1AZ. United Kingdom.

Please don’t rely on your sat nav to find us as they aren’t always as accurate as we’d like them to be.

For a map of our location please visit our Contact Us page.

Workbooks Reporting Training Course

Duration: 2 Days

Cost: ÂŁ895 per attendee

Upcoming Dates

Date Location Contact Us
Suspended pending Government advice Reading Email Us
Suspended pending Government advice Reading Email Us


NOTE:  Dates are subject to change depending on the number of bookings received.  For up-to-date information on availability please contact


Once Workbooks is your ‘single point of truth’, you want to use it to help you monitor your business and to make insightful decisions.  Our 2-day Reporting course will introduce you to the basics of building Reports and Dashboards so you can share accurate information with your colleagues and stakeholders.  It also covers configuration using Reports / Dashboards.  This course is delivered face-to-face by an instructor, and gives delegates plenty of opportunity to get valuable experience by completing exercises within our trial database.

Course manuals will be provided with lots of space for you to write notes about what you learn and about aspects of the training that are important to you.

To enquire about dates beyond those shown above please contact

Who should attend?

This course is designed for users who have the responsibility for producing Report and Dashboards within their company.  

What will I learn?

On completion you will be able to: 

  • Select the best method for creating your new Reports and identify which record type you should start with.
  • Create multiple views of data, presented in the way that best suits the audience for that Report.
  • Use commonly used reporting functions.
  • Share data with the appropriate users.
  • Enhance the configuration of your database using Reports and / or Dashboards.

What are the course prerequisites?

These are no prerequisites for this course but we do recommend that delegates are familiar with the way in which their database has been set up. 

Do I need any special knowledge to take part?

No, you don’t need to be particularly technical to understand Workbooks reporting but a good grasp of basic mathematics is helpful.  Delegates who are already familiar with Excel and using formulae tell us that they find Workbooks reporting very straightforward.  Whilst the training is carried out in a trial database it’s also useful if delegates have an idea of the sorts of reporting they’ll be doing in their live environment.

Course Outline

Course section Description To Cover
Understanding the Data Structure

Overview of the structure of Workbooks records


  1. Workbooks records structure overview
  2. Relationships between record types
Views & Reports

When should you use Views vs Reports?

  1. The advantages of using one approach over another
Creating new Reports

What Report type should you use?

  1. Templates
  2. Pre-populated Reports
  3. Copying existing Reports
The Anatomy of a Report What are all the tabs for?
  1. Details views
  2. Summaries
  3. Columns & Criteria
  4. Advanced & Style tabs
Building Reports from scratch Creating your own report with no pre-defined information
  1. What record type to start with.
Sharing Reports How can you share the data with other users?
  1. Basic sharing
  2. Controlling what data another user can see
  3. Scheduled reports
Reporting on Transaction Records Considerations when reporting on Transaction records
  1. Implications of joining to other records
Commonly Used Functions Introduction to calculations and functions to help you provide accurate data
  1. IF
  2. CASE
Making your Reports more understandable Conditional Formatting & Charts
  1. Based on values
  2. Using CSS
  3. Introducing Charts & Targets


Collecting data together to give the whole picture
  1. Building Dashboards
  2. Applying Filters

Configuration using Reports & Dashboards

Using Reports and/or Dashboards to enhance the configuration of your system
  1. Report Cells, Frames & Tabs
  2. Dashboard Tabs

Bulk Actions

How to automate simple processes
  1. Manual bulk actions
  2. Scheduling bulk actions


Location of the Course & Directions

Our Workbooks office in Reading:

Unit 9, Suttons Park Avenue, Reading, RG6 1AZ. United Kingdom.

Please don’t rely on your sat nav to find us as they aren’t always as accurate as we’d like them to be.

For a map of our location please visit our Contact Us page.

Workbooks Developer Training Course

Duration:  2 Days

Cost: ÂŁ895 per attendee

Upcoming Dates

Date Location Contact Us
TBC – Please enquire Reading Email Us



This 2-day course is aimed at software engineers who will be developing integrations or automations using the Workbooks API. It will cover all the elements you need to understand to develop process engine scripts or to integrate third-party applications via the restful API.

To enquire about other dates please contact

What are the pre-requisites for the course?

You need to be a software engineer proficient in a commonly-used web programming language like PHP, .NET or Java. The practical elements of the course will be delivered using PHP, although PHP experience is not essential.

We would also recommend that you are familiar with Workbooks, either as a result of attending the Workbooks System Administrator training (see above) or through hands-on usage of the system.

Course Outline

Course Section Description To Cover/Example scripts
Introduction to the Workbooks API and the Data Model How to use the API.
  1. The wire protocol
  2. Pre-existing wrappers
  3. Debug tools
  4. Metadata
The security model How to configure capabilities and permissions.
  1. Login, user credentials, API keys, session IDs
  2. Capabilities and permissions
  3. Databases and sandboxes
The process engine Creating, reading, updating and deleting (CRUD) objects.
  1. Scheduled processes
  2. Button processes
  3. Web processes
  4. Process on save
Reporting, Emails and PDFs

Understanding the reporting engine.

  1. Reporting engine & API’s
  2. Generating emails and PDF’s using the API
Best Practice Working with the API.
  1. Logging
  2. Performance considerations
  3. Caching and retrying
Getting help from Workbooks  
  1. Forums


Location of the Course & directions

Our Workbooks office in Reading:

Unit 9, Suttons Park Avenue, Reading, RG6 1AZ. United Kingdom.

Please don’t rely on your sat nav to find us as they aren’t always as accurate as we’d like them to be.

For a map of our location please visit our Contact Us page.