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Using Event Records

Last updated : 24/10/2018

Events can be created in one of two ways, either as a standalone record or from within a Marketing Campaign. You can only have one Event linked to a Marketing Campaign and vice versa.

Building an Event from a Campaign is recommended if you plan to send Mailshots to invite people to the Event, as you can use the Campaign to manage the list of invited people separately from the list of Event registrants and attendees. 

The Event can be created from a Campaign using the “+ Create Event” button that will be visible for all Users with the Event Management Module enabled.


Selecting this gives you the option to either “Add a blank event” or “copy an existing event”:


Once you have selected your option the Event will be created as specified:


If you selected “Add a blank Event”, the only fields that will be populated are the Campaign Field, which links to the Campaign that generated the Event and the Name Field; by default this will be the same as the Marketing Campaign, however, this can be changed.

To create a standalone Event Record from the Start Menu follow Start > Marketing > Events > New Event.


This will create a new Event Record without an attached Campaign.You might do this if you will not be generating Leads, Opportunities or Quotes from the Event that will need to followed up at a later date or as a part of your Sales Pipeline.

If you have created a standalone Event but then want to create a Campaign around it, this is possible to do using the “+Campaign” button on the toolbar.
