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Jira Issue to new Case

Last updated : 10/12/2018

Automate the copying of Jira Issues into Workbooks using our Zap Template

What is Jira?

Jira is a ticketing system mainly used by Software Development Teams to keep track of customer issues, bugs, development workflows and releases.

What does this Zap do?

This Zap will automatically create a new Case in Workbooks when a new Issue has been raised in Jira. This is helpful if you want to be able to report on the customers that are raising issues, and compare it to other data you are keeping in Workbooks.

Setting up the Zap

A Zap Template called ‘Create new Cases in Workbooks CRM when new JIRA issues are raised’ can be used to speed up the process of setting this up. You will be taken through the Zap wizard as normal but it selects the correct Trigger and Action for you. 

You will also first need to tell Zapier which Project to collect Issues from. If you have more than one Project, you will need to set up separate Zaps.


You can then go through to the Create Case template. Here there are multiple fields to map, which you can map to standard Workbooks values, or pull through information from Jira, depending on which custom fields you have set up.

To map to the Primary Contact field, you will need to ‘Add a Search Step’.


We advise using an email address as the unique identifier to search for the Person.


Once you have completed this, it will then automatically populate the Contact mapping for you, and you can continue mapping the rest of the fields.



Click on ‘Show advanced options’ to map to more fields, then Complete and Test your Zap