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Reporting: Poll Responses

Last updated : 06/07/2020

Report on the Poll data captured during an ON24 Webcast

NOTE: You will require a licence for Custom Records to use this functionality.
The ON24 integration stores the results of a poll in Workbooks on an Online Activity record, with a type of “Webcast Poll”. A JSON string received from ON24 is stored in the Form Submission JSON field. The JSON field is not easily human-readable or reportable, so you are unable to group by a particular Webcast, question, etc. If you wish to create Reports on this data, you’ll need to configure an additional Scheduled Process using a secondary Script Library script as described in the steps below.
Step 1: Create a Scheduled Process called “Create Poll Responses“.
  • Choose the “Script Library” as the location, and the script called “Format Poll Responses” from the list.
Step 2: Create a Custom Record Type called “Poll Responses
  • When you type the name in, Workbooks automatically populates the “Name (plural)” and “Route” fields with “Poll Responsess
    • NOTE: The double “s” will cause this script to fail. REMOVE THE EXTRA “S” OTHERWISE THE SCRIPT WILL NOT WORK.
  • Also set the Description, Icon and Prefix as required.
Step 3: Create a Report on Online Activities using the pre-populated report. 
  • Add in the Object Reference column
  • Add criteria for “Online Activity Type” = “Webcast Poll”
Step 4: Create Custom Fields on the “Poll Responses” Custom Record type as follows:
  • Online Activity (DLI field type. Use the report created in Step 3, and set the Display Column to “Object Reference”)
  • Question (Multi-line text field type)
  • Answer (Multi-line text field type)
Step 5: Create a Custom Field on Online Activities
  • Poll Data Processed (checkbox)

Once the steps above are complete, you can build reports as usual by clicking Start > New > Report, and then selecting the Poll Responses record type from the list.

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